Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

a note

Today I have spent more than 7 hours on learning HTML coding . I love it and I hate it, I'm excited and irritated. I'm glad for what I see I have done and how the page builds up . Well, that's not like a really web page, just so .. for learning, so it's not possible for me to show you the results. Anyway, next week is the showcase again . Then I'll probably will get to show you what have me and my group done.
Ok, I'm continuing with getting to know HTML and CSS.
See ya later!

Monday, March 9, 2009


typography stuff ..
later will add some 'inner monster' we needed to make in visualization lecture .. just with Times New Roman letters/ black & white . ;D

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

- unnamed -

It's all about how much you want something .. how much your're ready to wait for it.
Actually, it's all about the wright timing. Are you ready to wait for your inspiration? ... For your courage? For your irresitible feeling to get to the end something you have started?
The most important for us, is to listen and to remember ... to notice all the little details ... to be attentive . To look around and be ready to suck into ourselves all what we see around. What we eat, look at, wear, what kind of accessories are around us ... Just notice ... God is in the details!!
There are so much inspiration embracing us ... I know I still have to learn to see it ... also that i don't need to come up with something spectacular in the first thing or project i do. I'm just learning ... And I really, really hope I will learn the best ... and I will never let the great ideas let me pass by.

Friday, February 20, 2009

- worth taking a look -

just wanted to share with.
i think this is very tasteful and nice commercial ->

Thursday, February 19, 2009

phrases [from MTIV: i hold them very dear]

- Write the story, take out all the good lines, and see if it still works. /E.Hemingway/
- Say it clearly, and you make it beautiful no matter what. /Bruce Weigl/
- Develop the ability to SEE inspiration everywhere and after USE it.

- Beauty lies in its apparent simplicity, so does a good design.
- Simplicity is about subtracing the obvious, and adding the meaningful.

- Free yourself from limits!
- Allow events to change you!

- you have to read this one -

I just finished reading book by Hillman Curtis "MTIV Process, inspiration and practice for the new media designer". Inestimable book!
There are a lot of great stories and examples, how he [Hillman Curtis] has ended up some of his projects, when there was no inspiration or simply didn't know with what to start. Also many inspiring ideas and thoughts by him and other people like Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, Mark Rothko and more. The information that is given in this book can really help you in becoming a designer, or becoming a better one. As one of our lecturer's at school said - this book is going to be a bible for us - the multimedia design students. After reading I definitely agree with her. The most I was carried away by the part of "process" which consists of 7 steps. It really gives you some good examples, how to start your work as a designer, how to talk to your client-to be, also how to manage the steps till the end of a project, very useful and enlightening! One of the reasons I evaluate this book as a treasure is because I know I can take it anytime I will have some questions or simply won't have no ideas and it will help me to brace myself together and try to find a way out of my troubles or even more specific - how to solve my problem. An excellent book!

Here are some more references about the MTIV:
"The book itself, a stunning piece of artwork, communicates to everyone from Web designers and movie directors, to publishers and project managers. No matter who you are or what title you hold, if you're involved in new media, you will benefit from this book". - Marc O'Brien
"I found myself constantly commenting on how on-target his observations were, and how no other book has really captured what it means to be a New Media designer like MTIV does. I highly recommend this book to those in the profession who are looking for a spark to ignite their skills". - Steve MacLaughlin
MTIV (Making the Invisible Visible) is an indispensable guide for the new age of media design. This book is about how to achieve the results that bring in profits and make you a better designer.

More about Hillman Curtis on